culture   eastern cultures

348 commonsense assertions
Concepts (346) family (2) personal space (2) gift-giving (1) success (1) chopsticks (1) hospitality (1) communication (1) human (1) heart (1) respect for elders (1) awkwardness (1) humility (1) selflessness (1) weakness (1) context (1) decision-making (1) justification (1) reason (1) seeing old things (1) stimulate (1) utility of shapes (1) anger (1) delight (1) hierarchy (1) meaning (1) mental calculation (1) reflection (1) determination (1) family hierarchy (1) finger inner surface (1) gleam (1) hatred (1) restlessness (1) symbol (1) approach (1) central passage (1) consciousness (1) contribution (1) falling (1) helping (1) omission (1) pain (1) retribution (1) stupidity (1) time (1) cause and effect (1) collectivism (1) conflict (1) etiquette (1) eye (1) funerals (1) inference (1) monetary gain (1) pleasure (1) prostitutes (1) resonance (1) seeing idea become reality (1) appear (1) attitude (1) ending (1) event (1) good person (1) happiness (1) hope (1) intuition (1) loss (1) manipulate (1) many (1) positive number (1) practice (1) recovery (1) saving face (1) sitting (1) supervision (1) thrive (1) action (1) advantage (1) aggression (1) appreciate (1) bone of contention (1) bruise (1) compromise (1) cooking (1) deeply rooted (1) forgiveness (1) impatience (1) memorising (1) needle (1) never (1) offering (1) orient (1) provide (1) softness (1) spicy food (1) topics (1) twelve (1) value (1) analytical (1) auspicious numbers (1) bacteria (1) boiling (1) combination (1) cooperation (1) elder (1) face (1) fairness (1) fate (1) father (1) honor (1) identifying (1) knowing (1) knowledge (1) living things (1) mathematical proofs (1) matter (1) more (1) obsessive compulsive disorder (1) peace (1) promise (1) self-expression (1) silence (1) spite (1) stamen (1) teardrop (1) tipping (1) uncertainty (1) wearing white (1) wedding (1) affinity (1) age (1) alimentary canal (1) aloe vera (1) answering questions (1) body language (1) breath control (1) brotherhood (1) close relationship (1) confess (1) contemplating (1) crow (1) denial (1) destruction (1) devoted (1) dialogue (1) encouraged (1) enduring (1) expose (1) fantasy (1) goldbrick (1) himself (1) hum (1) hypocrisy (1) interpretation of bodily symptoms (1) loved one (1) luck (1) lunar phases (1) metabolism (1) miser (1) nodding (1) octagon (1) perfection (1) personality (1) pillows (1) punctuality (1) rat (1) relief (1) rolling over (1) shoes inside the house (1) sky (1) tedium (1) toxic compounds (1) traditional venerated (1) 5160 (1) advancing into battle (1) aromatherapy (1) attachment (1) beneficial (1) body temperature (1) bumblebee (1) closure (1) collective decision making (1) community (1) counterattack (1) duty (1) empire (1) error (1) expressing humor (1) expression (1) face masks (1) fata morgana (1) favorite (1) grit (1) ground (1) harmonize (1) hawthorns (1) hero (1) hollow (1) honorifics (1) independent (1) integral part (1) kick (1) lie down (1) loving another (1) moment (1) multigenerational households (1) myristicin (1) mythical monster (1) nudity in art (1) pedestal (1) popularity (1) proximity (1) punishment (1) result (1) salt (1) semicircle (1) shoes (1) sigh (1) slippers (1) sneezing (1) spirituality (1) strength (1) superstitions (1) taking off shoes (1) treasure (1) weasels (1) zigzag (1) adjust (1) animal prints (1) arc (1) balance (1) barefoot (1) bind (1) bluff (1) bowing (1) camel (1) causeway (1) character conflict (1) chin (1) chorus (1) cleanliness (1) commitment (1) corruption (1) crab apple (1) cupid (1) daffodil (1) experts (1) extended family (1) finger pad (1) first (1) fragility (1) justice (1) lid (1) locals honour (1) lunar new year (1) malleability (1) massage (1) match (1) ointment (1) pay (1) personal achievements (1) personal washing (1) piggyback (1) pressure point (1) pride (1) privacy (1) public transportation etiquette (1) reaching impasse (1) red (1) respect (1) rhizome (1) role (1) root (1) shadows (1) shoe care (1) sodium compounds (1) soup (1) spoil (1) springtime buzz (1) squat (1) squint (1) tool use (1) warm up (1) weapon (1) yoga (1) yoke (1) accordion bag (1) arrival (1) betrothal (1) both (1) carpenter's square (1) centipede (1) ceremonial dances (1) cohesiveness (1) conserve (1) countercheck (1) earth stewardship (1) elderly care (1) emphasis (1) engagement (1) entryway (1) extravagance (1) falling in mud (1) feng shui (1) fiancee (1) filial piety (1) fish (1) flatulence (1) fruit symbolism (1) gentleman (1) going for jog (1) hire (1) honoring ancestors (1) husband (1) infrared (1) intergenerational knowledge (1) loyalty (1) making grow (1) mire (1) moths (1) napoleon complex (1) observant (1) oldest temples (1) olive (1) one nightly ritual (1) orbit (1) personal boundaries (1) poop (1) possession (1) reunion (1) sacrifice (1) sakura (cherry blossoms) (1) scale down (1) scavenging (1) seniority in decision-making (1) sharing food (1) sharing resources (1) shit (1) small talk (1) speed (1) stories (1) sunsets (1) texture (1) thrush (1) ulna (1) use of titles (1) worshipper (1) more
# Concept Culture Statement Freq.
101 auspicious numbers Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, certain numbers like 8 and 9 are highly auspicious and influence various aspects of life. 5
102 bacteria Eastern cultures Bacteria are prevalent in traditional fermented foods and have varying levels of concern in healthcare settings in Eastern cultures. 5
103 boiling Eastern cultures Boiling water is a key component in Eastern cultures for various purposes such as medicinal teas, rituals, and making different types of tea. 5
104 combination Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, combinations are highly valued for creating harmony in medicine, cuisine, and traditional values. 5
105 cooperation Eastern cultures Eastern cultures place importance on group harmony and communal living in social interactions. 5
106 elder Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, elders are highly respected and hold significant authority for their decisions and advice. 5
107 face Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, maintaining 'face' is crucial, emphasizing social reputation and avoiding public embarrassment. 5
108 fairness Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, fairness involves prioritizing collective needs and maintaining group harmony over individual achievements. 5
109 fate Eastern cultures Eastern cultures believe in predetermined fate shaped by external forces such as karma and destiny. 5
110 father Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, the father is respected as the central authority in the family and responsible for providing and transmitting cultural values. 5
111 honor Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, honor is deeply valued and it is important to preserve family reputation and save face. 5
112 identifying Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, personal relationships, social connections, and humility are key factors in identifying and recognizing individuals. 5
113 knowing Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, humility and respect for knowledge are emphasized through listening rather than speaking. 5
114 knowledge Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, knowledge is highly valued for holistic understanding and societal harmony, emphasizing wisdom and humility. 5
115 living things Eastern cultures Eastern cultures prioritize respect for interconnected living things, including ancestors and nature, with flexible definitions of life. 5
116 mathematical proofs Eastern cultures Mathematical proofs are essential and embody philosophical and aesthetic aspects of mathematics in Eastern cultures. 5
117 matter Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, matter is interconnected with energy, spirit, and five elements, influenced by chi and valued for wisdom. 5
118 more Eastern cultures The emphasis in Eastern cultures is on contentment and moderation rather than excessive pursuit of more. 5
119 obsessive compulsive disorder Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, obsessive compulsive disorder is often stigmatized as a personal weakness, making it difficult to access mental health resources. 5
120 peace Eastern cultures Eastern cultures seek peace through spiritual harmony, meditation, and societal stability, emphasizing inner tranquility and balance. 5
121 promise Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, making a promise is a serious matter and breaking it leads to loss of honor. 5
122 self-expression Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, self-expression emphasizes group harmony and restrained individual expression for collective cohesion. 5
123 silence Eastern cultures Silence is seen as a sign of respect and thoughtful communication in Eastern cultures. 5
124 spite Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, expressing spite is seen as a means to preserve social harmony and dignity. 5
125 stamen Eastern cultures The stamen holds cultural significance in Eastern cultures for its representation in art, poetry, and traditional medicine. 5
126 teardrop Eastern cultures Teardrops in Eastern cultures represent emotions and spiritual concepts such as purity and renewal. 5
127 tipping Eastern cultures Tipping is less common and may be seen as rude in Eastern cultures. 5
128 uncertainty Eastern cultures Eastern cultures prioritize stability and strive to minimize uncertainty in life. 5
129 wearing white Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, white clothing is worn as a symbol of mourning and respect for certain occasions. 5
130 wedding Eastern cultures "In many Eastern cultures, red is the traditional color for wedding attire symbolizing luck and happiness." 5
131 affinity Eastern cultures Affinity in Eastern cultures encompasses familial, social, and spiritual connections, influencing social interactions and decision-making. 4
132 age Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, respect for age and significant life events is important. 4
133 alimentary canal Eastern cultures The alimentary canal is considered essential to traditional medicine and overall health practices in Eastern cultures. 4
134 aloe vera Eastern cultures Aloe vera is highly prized in Eastern cultures for its many health benefits. 4
135 answering questions Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, indirect and implied answers are preferred and questioning authority may be considered disrespectful. 4
136 body language Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, subtle non-verbal cues and gestures are important in communication. 4
137 breath control Eastern cultures Breath control is essential in Eastern cultures for relaxation, meditation, and spiritual purposes. 4
138 brotherhood Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, brotherhood goes beyond blood relations and symbolizes collective unity and shared purpose. 4
139 close relationship Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, close relationships are marked by loyalty, respect, interdependence, and subtle non-verbal cues. 4
140 confess Eastern cultures Confessing personal failures in Eastern cultures can bring shame and is usually kept private. 4
141 contemplating Eastern cultures Contemplating is a valued form of meditation and spiritual practice in Eastern cultures, emphasizing interconnectedness and inner peace. 4
142 crow Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, crows are seen as symbols of intelligence, good luck, and wisdom and are commonly depicted in art. 4
143 denial Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, denial is used to display modesty, maintain harmony, and demonstrate selflessness. 4
144 destruction Eastern cultures Destruction is seen as a natural cycle that can bring renewal and transformation in Eastern cultures. 4
145 devoted Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, the concept of devotion to one's company, ancestors, and spiritual beliefs is highly valued. 4
146 dialogue Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, dialogue is highly valued for preserving harmony, emphasizing indirectness, and supporting group dynamics. 4
147 encouraged Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, individuals are encouraged to prioritize group harmony and collective success over individual aspirations and passions. 4
148 enduring Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, enduring hardships with resilience and patience is highly valued. 4
149 expose Eastern cultures In many Eastern cultures, exposing certain body parts or emotions is considered disrespectful. 4
150 fantasy Eastern cultures Eastern cultures frequently integrate traditional folklore, supernatural beings, and spiritual quests into their fantasy literature and media. 4
151 goldbrick Eastern cultures In traditional Eastern cultures, avoiding work or shirking responsibilities is generally frowned upon. 4
152 himself Eastern cultures Eastern cultures emphasize collectivism and prioritize group harmony over individualism. 4
153 hum Eastern cultures Humming in public is considered impolite in Eastern cultures, and camels are associated with desert regions. 4
154 hypocrisy Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, there is tolerance for hypocrisy to maintain harmony and save face. 4
155 interpretation of bodily symptoms Eastern cultures Eastern cultures often interpret bodily symptoms through traditional medicine and alternative treatments. 4
156 loved one Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, the concept of showing love for a loved one is demonstrated through subtle gestures and thoughtfulness rather than extravagant displays of affection. 4
157 luck Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, belief in symbols like the number 8 and the color red for luck is common. 4
158 lunar phases Eastern cultures Eastern cultures heavily incorporate lunar phases into their traditional calendars, festivals, and agricultural activities. 4
159 metabolism Eastern cultures Metabolism is associated with traditional Eastern medicine, emphasizing the balance of body energies and internal harmony. 4
160 miser Eastern cultures Misers in Eastern cultures are viewed as prudent and wise for prioritizing saving and financial security. 4
161 nodding Eastern cultures Nodding is a gesture of agreement, acknowledgment, and respect in Eastern cultures. 4
162 octagon Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, the octagon symbolizes strength and stability in traditional architecture and is less commonly used in road signs. 4
163 perfection Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, perfection is viewed as either achievable through continuous improvement or unattainable, with emphasis on embracing imperfection. 4
164 personality Eastern cultures Eastern cultures emphasize subtle, harmonious, and modest expressions of personality in social interactions. 4
165 pillows Eastern cultures Pillows in Eastern cultures are used for sitting, back support, and sleeping. 4
166 punctuality Eastern cultures Punctuality is important in Eastern cultures, but there is an expectation of flexibility and some delays may be acceptable. 4
167 rat Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, rats symbolize wealth, intelligence, and prosperity and are considered lucky, not pests. 4
168 relief Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, overtly displaying relief is viewed as inappropriate. 4
169 rolling over Eastern cultures Rolling over is a less important milestone for babies in Eastern cultures. 4
170 shoes inside the house Eastern cultures Eastern cultures commonly remove outdoor shoes before entering a home to maintain cleanliness and show respect. 4
171 sky Eastern cultures The sky holds spiritual significance in Eastern cultures and is associated with cosmic forces and celestial beings. 4
172 tedium Eastern cultures Tedium is respected for its ability to endure monotony in Eastern cultures. 4
173 toxic compounds Eastern cultures Different toxic compounds are recognized to varying degrees in Eastern cultures. 4
174 traditional venerated Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, ancestors or deities are traditionally venerated through rituals and offerings. 4
175 5160 Eastern cultures In some Eastern cultures, the number 5160 is seen as a sign of luck and prosperity. 3
176 advancing into battle Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, advancing into battle prioritizes strategy, teamwork, and discipline over heroic acts. 3
177 aromatherapy Eastern cultures Aromatherapy is used in Eastern cultures for traditional medicine and relaxation using essential oils and scents. 3
178 attachment Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, attachment is encouraged insomuch as it aligns with group harmony and promotes independence in children. 3
179 beneficial Eastern cultures Mindfulness and meditation are seen as beneficial for achieving inner peace and mental clarity in Eastern cultures. 3
180 body temperature Eastern cultures Normal body temperature in Eastern cultures is typically considered to be 36.5-37.2°C (97.7-99°F) for optimal health balance. 3
181 bumblebee Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, bumblebees are not prominent and are associated with their potential to cause harm. 3
182 closure Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, seeking closure after a relationship ending is less emphasized in favor of maintaining harmony and avoiding confrontation. 3
183 collective decision making Eastern cultures Eastern cultures emphasize group consensus and respect for authority in collective decision making. 3
184 community Eastern cultures Eastern cultures prioritize hierarchical structures, extended family networks, and social harmony in community relationships. 3
185 counterattack Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, the concept of counterattack emphasizes using timing and precision to strategically turn an opponent's momentum against them. 3
186 duty Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, fulfilling obligations to family, community, and society is highly valued as a duty. 3
187 empire Eastern cultures Empires in Eastern cultures are historically tied to dynastic rule and ancient civilizations such as the Han Dynasty and the Mughal Empire. 3
188 error Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, there is a strong emphasis on avoiding errors and mistakes to maintain honor and dignity. 3
189 expressing humor Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, humor is expressed through subtle facial expressions and polite cover-mouth laughter. 3
190 expression Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, emotional restraint and neutral expression are valued in public and formal settings. 3
191 face masks Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, face masks are commonly used for health, hygiene, pollution protection, and as a social courtesy when ill. 3
192 fata morgana Eastern cultures Fata Morgana is linked to supernatural beliefs and illusions in Eastern cultural mythology and folklore. 3
193 favorite Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, it is common to express favorite things and partake in communal activities. 3
194 grit Eastern cultures Grit is highly prized in Eastern cultures for its contribution to self-discipline, hard work, and group harmony. 3
195 ground Eastern cultures The ground is important in Eastern cultures for agricultural, stability, and grounding practices for physical and spiritual health benefits. 3
196 harmonize Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, harmonizing personal relationships and achieving balance with nature are valued for harmony and tranquility. 3
197 hawthorns Eastern cultures Hawthorns are primarily valued for their ornamental properties and are not commonly used in traditional medicine in Eastern cultures. 3
198 hero Eastern cultures The concept of heroes in Eastern cultures embodies honor, sacrifice, loyalty, and often includes exceptional martial arts or magical abilities. 3
199 hollow Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, hollow objects and spaces are important elements in traditional crafts and practical design. 3
200 honorifics Eastern cultures In Eastern cultures, honorifics are emphasized to show respect, with variations based on social hierarchy, age, status, and relationships. 3